Your monthly bulletin with articles, updates, and tips to reshape buying within your organization.
Gain a big-picture view of spend across your organization, track compliance with purchasing policies, and take advantage of a flexible payment method to optimize cash flow.
Assign spend limits for your buyers with Budget Management, easily reconcile purchases, and find the perfect gift for your organization to give thanks to teams and clients. Share the Holiday Gift Guide with your buyers to shop and save.
If the answer is yes, you can integrate your Amazon Business account with SAP Concur to automatically sync e-receipts from Amazon Business purchases to Concur Expense. The integration saves you time, reduces errors from manual data entry, and speeds up processing for reimbursements.
Give users in your organization one-click access with SSO to simplify purchasing, eliminate the use of simple passwords that present a security risk, and reduce your time spent managing passwords. Set up SSO in as little as one hour.
Get the most out of Amazon Business with Business Prime
Analyze spending patterns for insights that can help inform your budgeting decisions and buying policies, easily steer employees to approved products with Guided Buying, and enjoy unlimited, fast, FREE shipping.
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