Donation Driver connects with Amazon Business Analytics giving you transparency to track orders, manage inventory, and report on donation activity in real time while maintaining donor and recipient privacy. Plus, with the added visibility of knowing who is donating, you can thank and re-engage donors in the future to meet specific and local needs.
Seamless website integration
With Donation Driver hosted directly on your website, you can choose a location for delivery and empower donors to complete the donation process all in one place. Once an order is placed and fulfilled you can then track and report on donations directly from your Amazon Business account.
Intuitive giving experience
Engage donors with an intuitive donation experience similar to online shopping. Rather than creating your standard wish list of items, Donation Driver allows you to curate a shopping list for donors to select, purchase, and donate all within a few clicks—making it easy for donors to give and for organizations to automate, save time, and scale impact.
Connect with a customer advisor to learn how you can expand giving opportunities for your organization today.
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